Fast Shipping

Any orders placed by 4:00pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) at any time are sent to you the next day. Time-sensitive packages are often delayed by the weather, holiday or the sale.

You should receive your purchase within 2-5 working day. Postal service could be able give an estimated delivery date however, this cannot be confirmed.


The customer must begin your return for boutique items within 30 days of receiving the items. Returns after the 30 day period aren\’t accepted. Contact us as quickly as possible to initiate a return.

The reimbursement must be received within 50 days from the date of purchase. Only the original payment method will be reimbursed. Refunds may require 10 or more days to show on your account after they have been approved.

Dates of purchase must not exceed sixty days. Only items with the same or lesser value can be exchanged.